Strategies face about listening smk/sma

Strategies face about listening smk/sma

1. Greeting, greeting able to choose according to the time and
2. Introduction, introduced himself / introduce people
3. Describing, describe objects, people, situations, processes.
4. Degree of comparasion, compare two or more objects,
person or situation.
5. Guest handling, handling guests / customers directly
or by phone.
6. Imperative, sentence order, prohibition, request, direction.
7. Offering, offering a product at pambeli / customers.
8. Agreeing, express approval and disapproval and
9. Ordering, order for goods or services.
10. Giving suggestion, opinion and advice, give advice,
opinion and advice, accept and reject suggestions,
opinions and advice.
11. Ability, capability.
12. Permision, ask for permission and responses.
13. Possibility, a possibility.
14. Necessity, necessity.
15. Thank giving, thank you.
16. Invition, extends an invitation.
17. Congretulation, congratulated and thanked.
18. Present / past continouos, shape ongoing.
19. Simple present tense, daily activities - day.
20. Present / past perfect tense, activity is still
21. Future tense, that will come.
22. Simple past tense, repeated in the past.
23. Conditional clause, sentence modality
24. Relative Pronoun, pronouns continued 
PICTURE consists of three items about
1. Location of things
2. On going activities
3. Describing people / events

QUESTION RESPONSE consists of four items about
1. Giving sugestion
2. Preference
3. Invitation
4. Giving direction

consists of four items about
1. Introduction
2. Daily activities
3. Planning
4. Degrees of Comparation

SHORT Talks consists of four items about
1. Monologe commercial radio
2. Announcement
B. READING SECTION Incomplete DIALOGUE 10 questions
1. Hobby and interest
2. Handling guess / telephone
3. Past event
4. Invitation
5. Giving praise
6. Complaint
7. Giving suggestion
8. Conditional sentence
9. Agreement / disagreement
10.Giving direction
11.Daily activities
1. Degrees of Comparation
2. Adj clause / Relative Pronoun
3. Persuasion / bargaining
4. Physical appearance
5. Asking permission
6. Stating feeling
15 Reading Comprehension questions
1. Bussines letter
2. Chart / Table
3. Work experience
4. Procedure
5. Describing Things
C. TACTICS DO Eye Problem UAN English training is divided into 2 parts:Problems listening comprehension as much as 15 grains of matter, comprising:Part I: Photographs as much as 3 questionsPart II: Question - Response by 4 questionsPart III: Short conversation by 4 questionsPart IV: Short talk about as much as 4Problem Reading comprehension questions as much as 35 points, consisting of:Part V: Sentence completion by 10 questionsPart VI: Error recoqnition as many as 10 questionsPart VII: Short reading as many as 15 questions
PHOTOGRAFIn this section, there are 3 about black and white images depicting everyday facts. One or two pictures showing the activities of people and other objects are objects. Then you will sound four statements (a, b, c and d) for each image and you are asked to choose the statement that most accurately describes the content of the image. When read "direction", then you have already seen and look at each picture, so when you read the sentence - one sentence - one question you've got a capital understanding of each image.
Skills required in this section are:
1. The ability to capture images and mengenterprestasikan
2. Ability to understand and compare the oral statement
to what is seen in the picture.
3. The ability to distinguish between words with
sound - the sound is almost the same.
Tactics necessary
  1. Always mark your answer as fast as you can so that
you can immediately see the next picture.
You do not have to wait for reader questions (speaker) to
see the next picture.

  2. If you see a picture of an object, ask yourself
terms of the following:
This is the what?
Where there are usually objects / seen?
The object is made of?
  3 If you look at the activity, ask yourself
terms of the following:
What are they doing?
What did they wear?
Where they do these activities?
How is the expression of his face?
If more than one person, what distinguishes
What is one higher than the other?
What does one wear a hat, jacket, tie while
others do not?
Is he male - male or female? 
4. Never answered before the fourth statement is completed
read all.
When the statement is read, place the tip of the pencil on the answer A,
if you think it's the best answer
appropriate. Do the same for (B), C), or (D).
If you change your mind after hearing
more choices, move the tip of your pencil
to answer a replacement. Then after you
The fourth sentence hearing, where the end of scapegoating answers
Your pencils are. This technique avoids you from
forgetfulness on which answer you think is most appropriate. 
5 Try to reduce the possibility of incorrect answers
with a distinctive technique of sound (sound confusion) and
distinctive meaning.
Some sentences did not have anything to do
with pictures. 
6 Never leave an answer blank.
All questions must be answered, if at all do not know
the correct answer, berspekulasilah. 
7. Do not be stuck staring at pictures for too long,
although the picture of a very pretty girl,
or a handsome man, after finding
the right answer immediately moved into the picture in
the next question.
In this section, read the question and followed by three possible answers.

Questions and answers are not written in the matter.

So there is not anything in the matter except the "Mark your answer in your answer sheet", so this is 

really - really listening test really is. 
So when working on this section, the text matter ruled out first. 
A text reader (speaker) introduced about by reading the numbers matter, then the second speaker (can be 

male - male or female) read the text matter and speaker to three (men) read the answer choices. 
So the sequence: 
Male Voice: read about the numbers 
A woman's voice: read about Sound 
Men: Or read the answer choices 
A woman's voice: reading numbers matter 
Male voice: read about 
A woman's voice: read option type There are two types of sentences questions, no question is Yes and 

information question (wh question). 
Yes no question, as the name phrase this question can be answered with yes or no. 
Of course, the answer could be "Maybe" or "I do not know" or some such. In fact the test, the correct 

answer is rarely a short form such as "Yes. I do "or" No. He was not ". 
In the TOEIC test, questions yes no question form this number ranges from 30%. Information or WH 

Question question, asking certain information that the sentence begins with the question words, eg: 
Who Who took this picture? 
Whose Whose apartment is this? 
Whe When does the sales meeting start? 
Where Where is your dress? 
Why Why did you call her? 
Which of these shoes Which do you like better? 
What What are you doing now? 
What time is it? 
How How did you get the job? 
How many persons will you invite? 
This question about wh amount shells over 40%. 
Other types of questions About 30% of the questions you hear in this section is not the form of yes or 

no question information question, but it is a form - the form as follows: 
Alternative question * 
Which do you prefer, coffee or tea? 
Did you wear your black suit or blue one to theinterview you? 
Indirect question 
Can you tell me if this is the City Hall Building? 
Do you know where these files should be stored? 
Tag question 
That was not too difficult, was it? 
You have a master's degree, do not you? 
This is your camera, right? 
Negative question: Do you want this story? 
He has not finished the report yet? 
Was not that a delicious meal? *) 
The answer to the alternative question is usually the name of one of the alternatives that exist, for example: 
"Coffee, please," just coffee "I'd prefer tea "I prefer the" Either one "One of course, is up to" Neither one, thank "No need lah" Both, please, "Both of them but the answer Yes or No not the right answer for this type of question. "Function" questions Some questions in this section is a function of a particular language.Function in include make suggestions (suggestion),offers (offer),demand (request) and make invitations (giving invitation).Much of this type of function question yes no question butsome are other types.Suggestion Why do not you try using this tool?Should not we take a taxi?Have you ever thought of opening your own business?Offers May I get you something to drink?Would you like me to take you to the airport?Request Would you step over here for a moment, Mr. David?Could you look over this letter before I send it?Invitation Woul you care to play tennis Saturday?Do you want to join us for lunch?And Other - another. 
Skills required in this section: 
1. The ability to distinguish the type - the type of questions verbally
(Information question, yes no question, alternative question,
and offers another suggestion - Other)
The ability to recognize the response according to the type of question. 
2. The ability to distinguish words that sound
almost the same.
Tactics to work on the problems in this section:
Since there is no text or answer questions on the booklet,
then concentrate on the sound of the tape recorder / CD player. 
3. Try to identify the type of question.
Correct response usually depends on the type of question
asked. Never answered before the fourth
statements be read in all.
When the statement is read, place the tip of the pencil on the answer A,
if you think it's most appropriate response yng. Do the
equal to (B) or (C). If you change your mind
after mendangar more options, move the tip
pencil you to answer a replacement.
Then after your third mendangar response,
scapegoating pencil answer where you are.
These techniques prevent you from forgetting to
which answer you think is most appropriate.

4. Never leave an answer blank.
All questions must be answered, if at all do not know
the correct answer, berspekulasilah.
SHORT DIALOGUEIn the test section, you tested the ability pamahaman short dialogue in English between two people. The format of this dialogue can be described as follows:Man: "This sentence ........ 'Woman: "Sentences ........ 'Man: "This sentence ........ "OrWoman: "Sentences ........ 'Man: "This sentence ........ 'Woman: "Sentences ........ 'In the booklet there is one question every dialog with four (4) possible answers: a, b, c and d. you have to answer based on the content of the dialogue.

Tactics to work on the problems in this section:1. When read "direction", then you should have
read and watch about the first question and
The fourth answer option, so that when read
dialog you already have an understanding of what capital
will be asked.2. Each dialogue will be read twice, you can try
reply dialog upon completion of the first reading,
so that when the dialog is read for the second time,
you can read the following questions about its
four answer choices.
And so on.3. Determine the question words are used, what is being asked,
whether, what, who, when, why, where, how, how long, etc..
By knowing what is being asked, you can
focus in seeking information from the dialogue.4. Try to imagine, the setting of the dialogue.
This will help you in making an analysis
about who are in dialogue, in which they,
what they are doing and what is the relationship
them.5. Never leave an answer blank.
All questions must be answered, if at all do not know the answer
correct, berspekulasilah.
SHORT TalksIn this section are presented some short talk or monologue (short talks) are monologues. Each short talk followed by two or three questions that relate to what you hear.Short talk or monologue can be advertisment (ad) announcement (announcement), telephone massage, briffing in the workplace and so on.Tactics to work on the problems in this section:1. When read "direction", then you should
've read and look at questions about the matter
concerned with a short talk and fourth
choice answers, so when read
monologue you already have an understanding of capital
what will be asked.2. Each monologue will be read twice, you try
can be answered at the time finished reading a monologue
first, so that when the monologue is read to the
the second time, you can read the questions about to
next monologue along with four answer choices.
And so on.3. Determine the question words are used, what is being asked,
whether, what, who, when, why, where, how,
how long etc.. By knowing what is being asked,
you can focus in seeking information from the monologue
them.4. Try to imagine, the setting of a monologue
This will help you in making a
analysis of who is speaking,
in which monologues were read, to whom monologue
addressed and for what purposes.5. Never leave an answer blank.
All questions must be answered, if at all do not know
the correct answer, berspekulasilah.
ADVICE: When you are working on the Answer Sheet UNAS Computers (LJK), to answer at the listening quite a mark on the answer a or b or c it only once, while for an answer and blacken mengaksir you can do outside the listening session or sessions reading comprehension. This meant that not a lot of wasted time, just to mengaksir answer and lost the opportunity to listen about the next question.